samedi 20 avril 2013

Trisha Yearwood: I'm in the Best Shape of My Life By EILEEN FINAN

Trisha Yearwood: I'm in the Best Shape of My Life

When she learned her husband, Garth Brooks, would be singing at the April 7 Academy of Country Music Awards alongside his hero George Strait, Trisha Yearwood began searching for "arm candy" attire to wear to the Las Vegas event. 

That's when she spied that dress – a formfitting Stella McCartney column that she'd first admired on Kate Winslet in 2011. "I'd been working hard and losing inches, but I wondered, 'Can I fit into that?'" Yearwood recalls. The answer was a jaw-dropping yes. "It was tight!" says Yearwood, but "I felt confident. It was a wow dress." 

PHOTOS: Stars' Spring Slim-Downs

Not to mention a wow moment for the Grammy-winning star, 48, who lost an astounding 30 lbs. from her 5'9" frame in the last four months. 

"My butt and my waist are smaller, and I like seeing that in the mirror!" says Yearwood. "But I also feel great." So good, in fact, that on her flight back to the home near Tulsa she shares with Brooks, 51, "we got on the plane, the sweats were on, and I had an In-N-Out burger with fries and two dark chocolate Reese's cups!" she says. 

In years past, she adds, "if I did that, I would have said, 'You just screwed up, so might as well go out and have 20 cheeseburgers,' and I would. [This time] I got on my treadmill the next day, I ate well and I didn't do any damage. That's what real people do."

vendredi 19 avril 2013

The Most Shocking Photos of the Boston Bomber Manhunt

The Most Shocking Photos of the Boston Bomber Manhunt

In an unprecedented closure of a major American city, police locked down Watertown, Mass., Friday in a hunt for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, the second suspect in Monday's horrific Boston Marathon bombing. 

The first suspect, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, was killed overnight as Boston police swept through the quiet town and a nation sat in shock, watching their television sets – and their Twitter feeds, where residents posted shocking photos of SWAT teams in their front yards, bullet holes in their living rooms, and armed vehicles rolling through the sleepy suburban streets. 

WARNING: Graphic images and language follow

Bradley Cooper Visits Bombing Victim Who Lost Legs

Bradley Cooper Visits Bombing Victim Who Lost Legs

It's difficult to find anything approaching a silver lining in the mayhem that has rocked Boston. 

But Bradley Cooper is giving it his best. 

The Oscar-nominated star, 38, in town filming a movie, paid a visit to hospitalized Jeff Bauman Jr., who lost both legs below the knee in the blasts at the Boston Marathon

Twitter photo shows the smiling Cooper next to Bauman's bed at Boston Medical Center. Bauman is giving a thumbs-up sign. 

Cooper also attended the interfaith service on Thursday where President Obama paid tribute to the bombing victims and their families.

Cannes Film Festival Opens May 15: See What's Premiering Now

Cannes Film Festival Opens May 15: See What's Premiering Now

With the 66th annual Cannes Film Festivalkicking off May 15 (and running through May 26) – and with The Great Gatsby opening the festival – stars will flock to the French Riviera to promote their latest films. 

But before the festival starts, create your own must-see list after checking out what will be premiering by watching these clips.

mercredi 17 avril 2013

Graduate Student Killed in Boston Blasts Named as Lu Lingzi

Graduate Student Killed in Boston Blasts Named as Lu Lingzi

The third victim of Monday's horrific Boston Marathon bombings has been named. 

Lu Lingzi, a young Chinese graduate student of statistics at Boston University, originally from the northeastern Chinese city of Shenyang, was one of three killed on Monday. The Chinese consulate in New York confirmed Tuesday that a woman from China had died in the bombings but did not reveal her name. 

But as The New York Times reports, given the blogosphere, in China and elsewhere, it was impossible to keep her identity concealed. By Wednesday morning, the state-run news agency Xinhua was not only naming Lu Lingzi but also running her photo, picked up from a Hong Kong TV station. 

On her Weibo account, The Times reports, Lu expressed a love for food, and her final post on Monday was a picture of "my wonderful breakfast." 

Her personal interests, her page said, were "fine food, music, finance and economics." On April 6, she posted: "Ben & Jerry's ice cream, really every flavor tastes good." 

Lu had apparently gone to the marathon to watch a friend run. "She said she wanted to have a boyfriend as soon as possible, because her family was worried that if she couldn’t find a boyfriend they would have to help," said her friend Lu Meixu, another Boston University student, according to The Times. "She hoped she could meet 'the one' as soon as possible." 

PHOTOS: Boston Marathon Bombing: Celebs Share Words of Hope

The American Embassy in Beijing said it was in contact with Lu's family, as well as that of another grad student, from southwestern China, who was "gravely wounded" in the explosions

In all, more than 170 people were injured Monday, and three people have died. The other two victims are Krystle M. Campbell, 29, and Martin Richard, 8.

mardi 16 avril 2013

E.J. Johnson III Admits He Is Cool with Being Publicly Outed

E.J. Johnson III Admits He Is Cool with Being Publicly Outed

It was heartwarming to hear NBA great Earvin "Magic" Johnson's recent words of support for his gay son "E.J." Earvin Johnson III, and now E.J. himself is speaking out on the subject of his personal life – and how it suddenly went public.

Confirming that he was basically outed by TMZ, Johnson went on to tell host Howard Bragman on the latest episode of the webcast Gwissues, that "for me it was really, I guess, surprising, because I didn't think it was going to be that big a deal, since I was out to my family and friends for at least five years now."

Still, being thrust into the spotlight, "It was almost as if I was coming out of the closet again," Johnson said. "Reliving the experience has been both exciting and interesting."

Not seeing any negatives to his situation, Johnson also happily admitted, "I'm reveling in it and making it work to my advantage."

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In terms of how the whole story came to be, Johnson says he was approached by TMZ while he was walking down the Sunset Strip in L.A. with his best friend – not his boyfriend, he says, though the two sometimes hold hands – and was asked several questions about himself.

E.J.'s mother, Cookie Johnson, then told him that she was informed that TMZ planned to run the story, which it did, and afterwards he appreciated the many positive comments that were posted on (Having anticipated the negative ones, he essentially shrugs them off to people's ignorance.)

Far from feeling as if his privacy has been invaded, the mellow-sounding New York University junior, who is studying event planning and design, as well as fashion and media, said, "I always had dreams and plans of doing my own thing." And though he was looking forward to "creating my own image … it came a little sooner than I thought it would, but this is something I always knew I would be going through."

Asked how he can take this sudden attention in stride, E.J. unblinkingly credits his loving home. "I am very, very blessed to have the family I do … super supportive," he said.

As for his initially coming out to them, first to his mom, when he was 13 or 14, he said, and then about a year later to his dad, E.J. was scared, as he suggested anyone in that situation would be.

But, he went on to say, "after I got all the love and support from my family, I knew I could go out and conquer the world." 




  据美国地质勘探局消息,伊朗东南部与巴基斯坦交界地区当地时间16日下午发生7.8级强烈地震,目前尚无人员伤亡和财产损失的报告。 ...


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lundi 15 avril 2013



الإخبارية السورية تبث الاربعاء حوارا "حصريا" أجرته مع الرئيس الأسد

افادت قناة "الاخبارية" السورية، يوم الاثنين، أنها "أجرت حوارا حصريا مع الرئيس بشار الأسد"، مشيرة إلى أنه "سيتم بث الحوار يوم الأربعاء المقبل، في الساعة التاسعة والنصف مساءً".

وكان الرئيس الأسد أجرى، مقابلة مع قناة "اولوصال" وصحيفة "ادينليك" التركيتين، بثت مساء الجمعة قبل الماضي، أكد فيها أن ما يحدث في سوريا هو نتيجة صراع خارجي، مرتبط بالخارطة الإقليمية والصراع بين القوى الكبرى، محذرا من أن أي اضطراب في سوريا "يصل إلى مرحلة التقسيم أو سيطرة القوى الإرهابية" سينتقل مباشرة بتأثير "الدومينو" إلى دول مجاورة وأخرى بعيدة، وشدد على ان "الخط الأحمر" الذي تضعه سورية للحوار هو "التدخل الأجنبي".
وقال الرئيس الأسد، مؤخرا، إن ما تتعرض له سورية حربٌ وليس أحداثاً أمنية، لافتا إلى أن الإعلام أحد أهم الوسائل في الدفاع عن الوطن عبر دوره في نقل الحقيقة.
وتقول السلطات أنها تتعرض لحرب كونية، حيث تدعم قوى خارجية عصابات مسلحة تعمل على زعزعة استقرارها وإضعاف مواقفها الممانعة، كما تتهم وسائل إعلامية بأنها تساهم في استمرار الأزمة السورية وتأجيجها عبر تشويه الحقائق وتزويرها، واصفة إياها "بالمغرضة".
وتقول وسائل الإعلام الرسمية والبعض من المحلية بأنها تقوم بواجبها الوطني في تغطيتها للأحداث التي تشهدها البلاد، فيما تتعرض لانتقادات شديدة من معارضين متهمين إياها بالتضليل تجاه ما يجري في البلاد.
يشار إلى أن هذه هي المقابلة الثالثة التي يجريها الأسد مع الإعلام الرسمي السوري، بعد مقابلتين مع "الدنيا" و"الفضائية السورية"

Clip Synopsis

Clip of Synopsis

Jasna, une adolescente de 16 ans, s’ennuie dans sa petite ville en périphérie de Belgrade, entre les cours du lycée et la vie chez elle, où ses parents n’arrivent plus à dialoguer avec elle. Comme les autres jeunes de son âge, ses seules préoccupations sont de faire la fête, de rencontrer des garçons et de se filmer en permanence avec son téléphone portable. Jasna tombe folle amoureuse de Djole, un garçon de son école. Prête à tout pour lui plaire, Jasna sombre vite dans les excès de l’alcool, du sexe et de la drogue.

Psy Releases New Single – Does It Live Up to 'Gangnam Style?'

Psy Releases New Single – Does It Live Up to 'Gangnam Style?'

Ever since South Korean YouTube sensation Psy galloped his way into our hearts last year with "Gangnam Style", fans have been anxiously awaiting his next song. 

Well, America, the wait is over. On Friday, Psy's new single "Gentleman" hit the airwaves – and it's already burning up the Internet in South Korea, where it reportedly was the most searched keyword on the Web.

With its thumping, techno baseline, "Gentleman" seems like a danceable little ditty. Still, if you don't know Korean, you might have a hard time deciphering what the song's about, as the lyrics are mostly in Psy's native language. 

On Saturday, Psy released a video to accompany the song, featuring the singer playing pranks on women before breaking into another signature dance. 

Deadmau5 and Kat Von D Plan an Underwater-Themed Wedding

Deadmau5 and Kat Von D Plan an Underwater-Themed Wedding

After Kat Von D and Joel Zimmerman, a.k.a. Deadmau5, became engaged in December, they couldn't wait to start planning their wedding. 

On Aug. 10, the couple will marry in an "underwater-themed" ceremony before 200 friends and family in Los Angeles, the tattoo artist tells PEOPLE. 

Drawing from their mutual love for H.P. Lovecraft's short story "The Call of Cthulhu," about a character that is half-man, half-octopus, Von D assures PEOPLE that she and the electronic musician's ceremony will be "the furthest thing from traditional." 

Previously engaged to Sandra Bullock's ex-husband Jesse James, who married drag racer Alexis DeJoria in March, Von D will have a big day that will include everything from various blue- and green-colored food to performers dressed as mermaids. 

And her dress will fit the part too! 

"It will have a sleek silhouette and include hints of iridescent teals, blues and deep violet ombré gradients," explains Von D, who has called upon Falguni and Shane Peacock to make the gown, which Deadmau5 is helping design. "I didn't know the dress was supposed to be a surprise," she adds. 

Bombing Eyewitness: Blood, Mayhem and a Collective Scream

Bombing Eyewitness: Blood, Mayhem and a Collective Scream

lIn the chaos after the deadly explosions that rocked the Boston Marathon finish line, runners and eye witnesses took to social media to share their experiences.

Jeff Chin, 27, of Boston gave his first-person account of watching the terror unfold to PEOPLE's Steve Helling:

I was near the Apple Store, heading to the Dunkin Donuts when I heard it. I was maybe a block away from it, and it was really loud, like a lightning strike had hit really close. And then I heard another one. 

People started screaming. I saw a guy with his shirt off, and it was wrapped around his hand and it was soaked red with blood, but I don't think he had lost it. I didn't look too closely.

vendredi 12 avril 2013

Meet the greenest cars of 2013

Meet the greenest cars of 2013

That is the finding of the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE), a US nonprofit that released its annual list of the greenest cars of the year this week.
The Toyota Prius C subcompact hatchback received the top billing, barely edging out the lease-only Honda Fit EV. How can a gas-burning hybrid be considered more “green” – already a difficult value to quantify – than an emissions-free EV? As with most things, the devil is in the arithmetic.
The ACEEE offers this very simple formula: GreenScore = a x e –EDX/c / (1+EDX/c)b
Understood? Before delving into the list, perhaps a quick summary of what that means is in order.
The council considers emissions, both smog-forming ones and greenhouse gases, produced by the vehicle , as well as by utility companies whose electricity charges the plug-in vehicles. They also examined the energy required to build the vehicle and the environmental impact of disposing of it at the end of its life, as well as fuel-economy ratings issued by the Environmental Protection Agency. Toss in a little eye of newt and presto – your winner, the Prius C, which is rated by the EPA at 53mpg in urban and 46mpg in highway driving.
Being a purely electric vehicle, the Fit EV naturally has no mpg. It has instead miles per kilowatt-hour of electricity expended. The EPA says the Fit EV travels 3.9 miles per kilowatt-hour in the city and 3.1mpkWh on the highway. A judiciously driven Fit EV can travel for roughly 80 miles on a single charge.
Next on the list is a three-way tie that includes the old green standby, the Toyota Prius; the plug-in hybrid version of the Prius, the Prius PHV; and the Honda Civic Hybrid. This illustrates how difficult it is, even with a magical formula, to decisively declare one technology or approach greener than others.
That is because while the plug-in Prius might seem cleaner than a Prius that derives its motive power from gasoline, it has manufacturing and recycling challenges associated with its bigger battery pack. Consequently, the plain-jane Prius and Civic hybrids are rated as equally green as the plug-in Prius, because that car might draw electrical power from a wall socket that is in turn fed by a grid carrying energy derived from dirty coal.
Next comes the Honda Insight, a compact hybrid that has never really caught on with buyers. For example, Volkswagen’s roomier and better-executed Jetta Hybrid finished only a point behind the Insight in the council’s 2013 survey, and costs virtually the same amount. By the council’s calculus the Jetta surrenders almost nothing in environmental impact while its driver gains a more rewarding vehicle.
Tied, however, with the Jetta Hybrid is a pair of conventional gasoline cars with no electric drive of any degree: the Smart ForTwo and the Scion iQ – marketed in Europe and Asia as the Toyota iQ. These cars trade size for futuristic propulsion.
Another point behind those cars is the Ford Focus Electric and theToyota Prius V, the wagon version of the regular Prius. With efficiency of only 3.3 mpkWh city and 2.9 highway, the Focus – as a rather luxurious and heavy car – is not as efficient as the Fit EV.
Finally, the Ford Fusion and C-Max hybrids round out the list with the biggest gasoline engines and most total power of any of the cars. Consumers and automotive journalists alike have had difficulty achieving the EPA-certified combined rating of 47mpg. Results of around 40mpg are more typical for the Fusion and C-Max, which still seems solid, considering their size.

Corvette through the years

Corvette through the years

1953 Chevrolet Corvette
Designed to woo returned American servicemen who fell under the spell of Jaguars, MGs and Triumphs during their World War II service in Europe, the Chevrolet Corvette was the first proper American sports car. And its primacy simply cannot be overstated.
Fast-forward 60 years, and the seventh generation Corvette, the C7, is ready to bow on Sunday, the eve of the Detroit auto show. Judging from spy shots and asteady stream of teaser videos released by General Motors (GM) since last fall, the C7draws on its predecessors’ design and performance heritage, but also outwardly reflects technical innovations found beneath its trademark fibreglass skin.
Before we dissect the latest iteration of the iconic car, however, BBC Autos takes a look through the six generations that preceded it, and the standout derivatives produced since its debut on a winter’s day in 1953. (GM Heritage Center)